Lessons from Uganda
About a year ago I began a series based on a trip I was fortunate enough to make with two friends of mine to the refugee camps in Uganda. The purpose of that series was not to focus on the trip, but rather on the lessons learned from the people I encountered. I am going to be restarting that series next week and I encourage you to read it, give me your feedback, and if you think it was helpful to share it with another.
In today’s lost and destructive world, we are seeing things that should bring grief to all our hearts. The problem is that we are looking for external sources to solve it. We look for the government, the church, political organizations, financial resources, and the list goes on of things that should solve our problems for us. The fact is we will not solve our problems without God’s intervention and grace and without our looking introspectively – within ourselves – to see how we could do our part to help healing and reconciliation.
Each week for the next 11 weeks I am going to focus on a particular person and a particular lesson learned from that person with the hope it will help you deal with these times yourselves. It will be under the caption “I met a guy” with the hope that you will see thru the filter of their circumstances and how committed their hearts are to God and God’s purpose.